Список литературы к Приложению А

1. Guidelines "Features of the application of the ALARA principle in the treatment of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste in the branch number 1 Federal State Unitary Enterprise "SevRAO", MU

2. V. Kryuchkov, V. Chumak, E. Maceika, L.R. Anspaugh, E. Cardis, E. Bakhanova, I. Golovanov, V. Drozdovitch, N. Luckyanov, A. Kesminiene, P. Voilleque and Bouville, RADRUE method for reconstruction of external photon doses for Chernobylliquidators in epidemiological studies. Health Physics, October 2009, Volume 97, Number 4, pp. 275 - 298.

3. А.Ф. Бобров, В.Ю. Щебланов, Ю.М. Гореев, Симаков А.В. Оценка культуры безопасности при обращении с отработавшим ядерным топливом и радиоактивными отходами.

4. Key Practical Issues in Strengthening Safety Culture. INSAG-15. Vienna: IAEA, 2002.